Monday, May 4, 2009

short and sweet

I just wanted to jump in to say that I am taking a break from my blog for a while. That is probably obvious since I haven't posted in so long. I'm trying to get my pet sitting business going strong after a break. And my husband is starting his own business. So hopefully, once I get into a groove with all that I can start posting again. I'm definitely still cooking!


  1. Well that stinks. I will miss your blog. I hope both businesses are very successful. Please keep in touch.

    love your friends,
    Krys & the boys

  2. Good luck with your businesses! I'll keep you mind if I hear of anyone needing a petsitter.

  3. Good luck with the business! We'll be here when you come back!

  4. Good luck with the business - you are added to my feed reader so I look forward to seeing you blog again.
