Breakfast this morning was Chocolate Chip Pancakes. I used the recipe from The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook. It is a very basic recipe that I always have the ingredients for and the batter comes together very quickly. I usually add something like blueberries or nuts or chocolate chips. I love pancakes!
The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook was one of the first vegan cookbooks I bought when I became vegan. It has a lot of good, basic recipes. The copy I have is the original edition published in 1978. There is a new edition available now.
Here are some of my favorites:
Jala-pinto Dip--which I use in tamales and as refried beans
Chocolate Pudding--another one with ingredients I always have on hand
Tofu onion dip
It has a section on making tofu which I have tried once or twice. I would like to try it again sometime. There are also some recipes for using the soy pulp that results from making tofu.
It is very well worn. I don't have the cover anymore and it has come apart so the pages are not in order anymore. I don't even know if I have all the pages. I think it is time for a new one.